All posts filed under: Art

Review: ‘Blood Relative’

Ren Lunicke returns to Perth Fringe 2018 with a new show; ‘Blood Relative’, an autobiographical dramatic retelling involving tales of biological and chosen family, fertility and identity. (*Please Note: Ren uses they/them pronouns in present tense, and she/her pronouns when referring to their past self, Michelle.) As a queer person, I was instantly intrigued by the idea of a show that explores the concept of family. For a lot of queer people, family encompasses many more than those related by blood, as we are faced with a mix of acceptance, tolerance and rejection with every retelling of our identities. However, to say this performance is only for queer people would be doing it an injustice. We all have varied experiences and ideas about what family means to us, and ‘Blood Relative’ truly explores this in a journey toward building meaningful connection with others. The performance takes place amid conversations between three generations; Michelle, her evangelical mother, and her sick grandmother. Constantly disappointed by expectations from biological bonds, Michelle struggles with the idea of what makes …

Review: ‘Club Swizzle’ From the Creators of Award-Winning LA SOIRÉE

The Creators of award-winning La Soirée present the Perth debut of their show ‘Club Swizzle’ at Fringe World 2018, and it’s deliciously saucy. Following it’s world premiere at Sydney Opera House, and ahead of it’s international tour in 2018, Club Swizzle has graced Perth’s hottest new venue, The Ice Cream Factory, with a bang! Filled with everything from outrageous cabaret to air-defying acrobatics and infectious musical revelry, there’s no doubt you’ll be in for an unforgettable night. The show is hosted by cabaret wunderkind Reuben Kaye, described as “the evil love child of Liza Minelli and Jim Carrey”, who uses their amazing voice and queer hilarity to introduce a diverse range of talent. This talent includes the acrobatic wonders of The Swizzle Boys (yes they are just as enticing they sound), live music from The Unexpected Perks, tap and jazz from Harlem born and raised Dandy Wellington, naughty burlesque from Laurie Hagen, and cabaret from the skating, singing and ukulele playing Amy G. This is the perfect show for a care-free and immersive night out …

Review: ‘I Am My Own Wife’

A lone figure enters. She makes her way to a gramophone placed off centre stage, and talks about her fascination with it, and the other items that belong to her extensive museum of furniture and everyday objects. For the next 90 minutes, this is the only person to grace the stage, playing over 30 different characters throughout the entire performance. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and Tony Award for Best Play, ‘I Am My Own Wife’, by Doug Wright, made its WA premiere over the weekend at The Heath Ledger Theatre Studio Underground. Set in Germany amidst the Nazi and Communist regimes, the story follows the life German antiquarian, Charlotte von Mahsldorf, played by Brendan Hanson. Charlotte, who is plagued by memories of her late father, manages to live her life fearlessly and unapologetically as a trans person in a time and place where it was not safe to do so. As she talks about her life to an enthusiastic array of different characters, a fascinating, intricate and emotive story emerges. Sourcing items …

Top Queer Picks – Fringe World Festival Perth 2015

Perth Fringe is Finally here and in all my excitement I’ve compiled a list of of Top Queer Picks for 2015! I haven’t seen any of these shows before so this list is based purely off what I think looks and sounds a) entertaining b) super queer. Get excited! HEX – “Award-winning young choreographer James Welsby presents HEX, an hour-long, three person dance work reflecting on AIDS, activism, sex, and disco through the eyes and bodies of Generation Y. HEX depicts the arc of the AIDS epidemic and its impact on the queer community through allegorical vignettes using popular club dance vocabularies.” Le Gateau Chocolat – I Heart Chocolat – “This is an exclusive party featuring a delectable hand-picked selection of musical arrangements, as random as a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get! But you can guarantee Le Gateau’s infectious energy and gargantuan voice will satisfy your festival taste-buds. From Glyndebourne Opera to singing for the Queen as part of the Jubilee Flotilla and touring the globe with La Soiree; to performing at the …

The Identity Project – What Defines You

I came across this project on Tumblr and thought it was definitely worth sharing as it shows the diversity of the queer community around us in a positive, artistic and inspiring way. The Identity Project is a photography project started by  San Francisco based portrait photographer Sarah Deragon at the beginning of 2014. “This photography project seeks to explore the labels we choose to identify with when defining our gender and sexuality.” Society is still catching up on the realisation that sex, sexuality and gender are all something a lot more complicated and diverse than the binary system we’ve been taught to constrain ourselves in and this project really shines a light on this diversity. To be eligible for the project participants must be a member of the LGBTQ community, choose 1-5 terms related to gender and sexuality to self-identify with, sign a model release and come to the Portraits To The People studio in the Outer Richmond neighborhood in San Francisco. Having said this, the project made it’s way to Portland, New York & Chicago in the second half of last year …

Men In Style Society – New York fashion Blogger Shane Samuel

New York Fashion Week may be over but fashion is all year round! I was able to ask some questions to New York fashion blogger Shane Samuel recently. He talks about why he started his blog, being a fashion blogger in New York City, who he was keeping an eye on at this years New York Fashion Week and much more. Check it out. When did you first decide to start a men’s fashion blog and why?  I decided to start a fashion blog as an honor’s project during my sophomore year of college. I always had a thing for fashion, but I didn’t know how deep it went until I got to college and saw that almost all of the guys dressed the same. Can you explain to people who might not have seen your blog before, its aim and what it’s all about? I created Men In Style Society to serve as a platform for men who are looking for ideas to update their look or inspiration to create a new one. I …

Art Speaks Louder than Words

Anna Goodson, CEO & Founder of the Anna Goodson Illustration Agency, called for illustrations from the group recently after being disturbed by sexuality based discrimination in Russia. President Vladimir Putin signed a law at the end of June, banning the distribution of “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” to minors. With Russia hosting the Winter Olympics,  major concerns have been raised for the safety of athletes and tourists alike. “We are often asked to create images for clients but here was an opportunity for them to create something meaningful, personal and from the heart,” said Goodson. “We believe that Art Speaks Louder Than Words and we wanted to show the world that our agency and illustrators don’t support discrimination and violence of any kind, regardless of Religion, Race or Sexual Orientation.” Check out some of the amazing submissions!

The XX in Perth City

As the whispered chatter died down, everyone suddenly became still in anticipation for The XX to infect the stage at Metro City, April 2. Images of the arm flailing bass player from the previous band will never be forgotten but were well in the back of everyone’s mind by this point (What was the name of the band anyway. I know I sound old but I couldn’t here a word of what they were saying). The veiling of the equipment and instruments had already taken place showing two giant clear X’s displayed at centre stage. As the iconic sound of The XX hit the crowd in the form of the song ‘Try’ everyone went into excitement overload only to realise it was but a mere sound check. And to this the girl standing behind me responded, “Oh…haha, I didn’t think I recognised the song.” …….*ULTIMATE FACE PALM. This aside (and the hope that hopefully the whole crowd weren’t try hard hipsters like the girl standing behind me) I went on to enjoy the show, and …

Jodie Foster's Golden Globe Speech

Jodie Foster’s sexuality is a trending topic after her recent Golden Globe coming out speech. Her sexuality has been assumed for years, though on Sunday January 13 when accepting her Cecil B. De Mille Award at the 70th Golden Globe Awards, it was confirmed. “So while I’m here being all confessional and I guess I just have a sudden urge to say something that I’ve never really been able to air in public, so a declaration that I’m a little nervous about,” said Foster “I’m just going to put it out there, right? Loud and proud, right? So I’m going to need your support on this. I am single. I hope that you’re not disappointed that there won’t be a big coming out speech tonight because I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age in those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends and family, co workers and then gradually, proudly to everyone who knew her, to everyone she actually met.” She …

Glee's Chris Colfer is a Talented Writer Aswell?!

Chris Colfer, better known for his golden globe winning role on Glee has proven his talents do not just remain on screen. Colfer has recently published a children’s book ‘The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell’ and I was more than excited to read it! This page turner had me living in my 10 year old body for a few days as I was engrossed in a fairy tale world. The story tells of 12 year old twins Alex and Conner who get lost in their grandmas story book. Forget the classic Disney versions of Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Chris pulls inspiration from Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm brothers. From the very beginning I fell in love with both characters, Alex the quiet and reserved girl who loves reading and Conner the typical class clown boy who has trouble staying awake in class. Throughout their adventures they each bring their own humour to the story. It all starts with a book given to Alex on her 12th birthday that she and her brother …