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Young People Tell us What Makes Them Proud on Wear It Purple Day

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Today is Wear It Purple Day!

Wear It Purple Day is a day where people can wear purple to support young LGBTIQ+ people and their right to thrive, irrelevant of sex, sexuality or gender identity.

To celebrate and commemorate the day, we asked young people what they are proud of. Here’s what they had to say!

1. Kirsty, 23

Wear It Purple Day - Kirsty


2. Jordan, 24 (My Kitchen Rules Contestant 2016)

Wear It Purple - Jordan


3. Logan, 22

Wear It Purpl Day - Logan


4. Chessca, 22

Wear It Purpl Day - Chessca


5. John, 21

Wear It Purple - John


6. Maggy, 15

Wear It Purple - Maggy


7. Elle, 21

Wear It Purple - Elle


What are you proud of? Write in the comments section below!

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