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Ellen vs. Jane – Battle of the Books

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 I had the pleasure over the last couple of weeks of actually having time on my hands to read a book or two. And so what did I decide to read? Two of the biggest gay books I could find, Jane Lynch’s memoir Happy Accidents, and Ellen Degeneres’ Seriously…I’m Kidding.

Let me just start with the fact that both of these woman are very amazing and inspirational. From struggles in their past, to the positive influence they have in the media world and the LGBTQ community today, they are two very awesome people. Because of this, it’s very difficult for me to give either of their most recent books a bad review, however I’ll try my best to be a little critical (as much as it pains me).

Happy Accidents is Awesome (oh, my attempt at being critical just went down the drain). I know I know, I love her as an actress so I’m being pretty bias, but I’m sure anyone who picked up the book not knowing who she is would enjoy it just as much, honestly. You may know Lynch best as the fearless and bitchy Sue Sylvester from the hit tv show Glee. You may even recognise her from the movie Role Models as the tough Gayle Sweeney, head of the big brother program, Sturdy Wings. In fact, many of the characters she plays are very tough authoritative figures. However another side of the real Jane Lynch is more than evident in the book. From her quirky character growing up, to her alcohol and commitment problems as an adult, this book definitely showed many things I didn’t know before about this talented comedian.

Ellen’s book Seriously…I’m Kidding was very different. Though I knew it wasn’t going to be a memoir like Lynch’s, I expected it to have a little more structure. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ellen’s humour, and I laughed out loud numerous times in the space of this book. However, her talking about the random things in life and going off onto random tangents got tiring after a few chapters. I think she should stick to such a format in her five minute monologues at the start of every show, that’s where they really work. Wow, me being critical of Ellen Degeneres, that was PAINFUL!

So there you have it, Jane Lynch wins…this round.

On a random note, Jane Lynch lived in Ithaca, NY while attending Cornell, the very place I was when reading the book, and about 45 minutes from I went to college in Geneva only months before…Well I got excited about it anyway!

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